
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

This page is dedicated to ladies’ every day family and personal issues. Ladies may submit their routine observations and experiences. Furthermore write clearly and only on one side of the page, no matter even if it is out of order.


Nausea and indigestion: I frequently have complaints of nausea and vomit. At times I suffer from loose motions. Please tell such an easy tip through which this problem is taken care of. In summers normally, all the family mebers get sick. (Hina, Gujar Khan)

Reply: Take one onion. Wash it and put it in fruit vinegar. Add to it some chopped chilies, a little ginger, and some mint leaves sprinkled with salt. Use this with meals. If vinegar is not available, keep onion, green chilies and mint leaves sprinkled with lemon juice. God forbid if you feel nausea, vomit or indigestion, use this formula.


Take equal quantities of juice of onion, mint, ginger and lemon, put it in a glass bottle and preserve in refrigerator.  Also keep available sodium bicarbonate separately. When required, add a spoonful of the mixed juice in a cup of water, also add a pinch of soda in it and drink immediately. This is a good remedy. Sucking tamarind or plum also eliminates the complaint of nausea. Similarly, chewing fennel, mint and black cardamom in equal quantities also cure nausea. Taking tea made fennel, mint and cardamom also treats indigestion. These tips are in practice not from today but from many years. Give them a try.


I am very obese: My age is 22 years and I am very obese. From top to bottom it is a floppy mass of meat. I took medicines. Instead of reduction in obesity, acne and pimples developed on my face.  Now their marks look ugly. We are poor people and cannot afford expensive treatments. Please tell me some simple remedy. Even my fiancé taunts me now.          (S, Multan)

Reply: Lady, you have committed a lot of carelessness in your food. Probably for the same reason obesity has increased. Now you completely avoid sugar, rice and fats. After getting up in the morning and offering prayers, eat two big ripe tomatoes. Do not sprinkle salt over them. Just slice them and eat them slowly. Only this will be the breakfast for you. Then you can eat something at 10-11 AM. In your meals, take cooked/raw vegetables, curd and salad. Instead of syrups, you can drink water added with lemon. Within two months and one week your weight will reduce.

There are very less carbohydrates in tomatoes. It is an easy way to reduce weight. It fulfils nourishment needs and weight can be reduced in nine weeks. The only restriction is that you should completely avoid taking sugar, fats and rice. As for the acne and pimples are concerned, take a tomato, cut it and make a paste of it. Apply this paste over the face. Let it be there for about half an hour. Then wash your face and apply rose water afterwards. You will have a fresh feeling and furthermore in a few weeks acne, pimples and marks will disappear from the skin. See how simple this treatment is! Please inform me after practicing it.


Use of vinegar: What is the difference between pure and synthetic vinegar? Furthermore for what purpose white vinegar is used? I have read that to check vitamin tablets, put a tablet in vinegar for half an hour. If it dissolves it is of good quality, otherwise it is not useful. Please write as to how much vinegar can we use.(Ayesha Shahbaz, Lahore)

Reply: Pure vinegar has numerous benefits. In summers if chopped onion, green chilies and ginger are put in it, it adds to the flavor of the food and keeps the digestive system fit. White vinegar manufactured by reputed pharmaceutical companies is commonly available. As far as the thing about tablet is concerned, I have never tried it. You can try it. Vinegar is added to pickles and chutneys. Excess of everything is bad.


Ball point ink stain on a silk sheet:  My children have put a ball point stain on my silk shawl. I have washed it a lot but the stain did not remove. Please tell me how this stain can be removed. (Saima Bilal, Okara)

Reply: Buy Methylated spirit from the bazaar. Soak a cotton ball with the spirit, place it over the shawls and rub it over the stain. The stain will be removed. Soak the cotton 2-3 times and scrub.


He wants to marry me? I am 48 years old. I am a widow and have no children. There a gentleman in our family who is 62 years old. Masha Allah he is very fit. He walks 3-4 kilometers every day in the morning and afternoon. He has granddaughters and grandsons. His wife expired 10 years ago. He has distributed his inheritance. He has a house to live will all facilities and he is not deprived of anything. Only he is a victim of loneliness. When he proposed me for marriage everyone made fun of him that the old man has gone insane. He has the lust for marriage at this age. However if he marries me, a homeless and helpless woman like me will get shelter. You gives advice to all, please tell me if there is any legal, religious or moral restriction in second marriage?      (A disturbed woman)

Reply: Few years ago I read a true story. A paralysis patient used to live alone in a big house. A widow maid and her 10 year old son used to look after him. The boy was fond of getting education. While still on bed the old man started teaching him Qaida (elementary book for beginners). When he realized that the child is intelligent, he arranged a teacher for him. Seeing the service of the main, one day the old man said to her: ‘At this age you serve me and even get me cleaned after natural needs, if you don’t mind do Nikah with me.’   The woman was fed up with her family. She thought for a few days and then said yes. The maulvi from the mosque carried out their Nikah. The old man gave his house as Mahar to the woman. He lived for a few years and then expired. The boy received higher education and attained a good appointment. This is how a man while he was dying inhabited a home.

If you two want to marry and become a support of each other in old age, it is a very good thing. Do marry each other. Loneliness is a bad thing. You will avoid from it as well.

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